
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That Which Defines Our Time

This blog is not about movie reviews, in fact I have never done one on here before. But under this particular circumstance I would like to share my thoughts. I promise to get back to design posting later on today.

OK, so unless you live under a rock and haven't ever heard of the Internet, you have heard about this movie. And don't tell me it doesn't interest you and that you aren't going to see it, the point is, you have to. This sounds super cliche and somewhat ridiculous, but this movie defines our generation in a short two hours. It is the best definition, I think, you could possibly give us.

Facebook. It is our link to each other, and it has become such a commonplace in our lives that we no longer fully realize its permeation and therefore innate casualness. The average Facebook user spends something like 50 minutes a day on the site. That is craziness. We use an hour a day to connect socially with our friends, colleagues, businesses, organizations, and by our definition anything worth knowing. Find us on Facebook.

It is absolutely nothing to any of us anymore to go online and get someones full background, 300 pictures of them, their likes and dislikes and all of their friends. In fact, we can't even imagine our worlds without this link to information. In fact what really struck me and the Hub's was the bit in the movie where it was realized that "relationship status" was the launching point. The Hub's (our sophomore year of college) didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, he asked me if we could make it (and I quote) "Facebook official." That is our story. That is how we came to be as husband and wife, today. Facebook defines who we are.

See, here is where the movie isn't just about Facebook anymore, it is about how we carry on about our lives. Where would we be without the Internet? Wikipedia? The link to any unknown fact by the push of a button. That is who we are.

Furthermore, lets look at how connected we are because of Facebook. I know as a blogger this is something I happen to treasure, the interconnection between all of social media. But if it wasn't for Facebook, would we have Twitter? How would we blog? Well yes, we would continue to blog, but who would read us? How would we be found? How would we share our link with friends? Yes we could email, but where do you find people's email? Exactly my point. We can't function without it. And it's really not that big of a deal until you step back and realize it for everything it's worth. It isn't just a craze. It is a way of life that we can't live without.

I highly encourage you to see this film if you have not done so already. I found it enlightening, informative and entertaining. And I also adored Jesse Eisenberg in this film, he played Facebook's creator Mark Zuckerberg. I think this might have been the role of his career.   

If you have seen it, what did you think? Are you as in awe as I am? Or do you think I should tone it down a few levels? Let me know what you think!!

One last thought. When I first started using Facebook I had to have an official college email address. In fact Lynchburg College only joined the network a semester before I came, maybe it's because it didn't launch until 2004 which was my senior year of high school. It is crazy to look back at how you have used Facebook the last six years, and look what we have become. Does anyone else remember those days?

{image cred: IMDB}

Punctuate away,


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