
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Function Wins This Time

Currently, my living room is bare. When my sister moved into LC, she took our futon and our entertainment center. The entertainment center was doubling as our coffee table, since our TV is on the wall and it was just right for that purpose versus its original one. So, all in all, my living room has no furniture. It is one lump of blank space. I do have a plan. I know the exact pieces I want and where I want to put them. The hardest part is convincing the Hubs that an area rug is necessary, furthermore that the $199 one from Target is worth it. He thinks that is insane for a rug, he knows nothing of home decor. I mean seriously, the man prefers carpet to hardwood. There are some things I am just going to have to work on with him.

But the point of all that is, one of the things we NEED is a coffee table. I mean there is no focal point to our room and for once I am noticing that the room needs to function properly. And a coffee table is, well, an extremely functional piece. Uncharacteristic of me I know. Form over function is my indefinite motto. I have been scouring the Internet and I have yet to find the one. I am pretty close, but not sold yet. So, I found some lovelies on Etsy, to inspire me for the occasion. Problem is I wish I could afford these handcrafted beauties.

This one is my favorite of the bunch. It provides storage, while being an amazing focal point. So original.
Vintage Industrial
How awesome would this table be with other items? Such as letterpress letters!
I love the concept of this one, it hits home for me. But man, would that be a bitch to dust!

So there you have it! Amazing options more than likely we are all too poor to afford. I must say, I am very much leaning to the industrial look some of these have going on. They are so perfectly imperfect.

Whoa is me. This is going to go on for a while. I can almost guarantee you this will be the last piece to fall into place in this room. We have been trying to find a table since March. Not working. I mean I don't think our specifications are too crazy. We want a black table, with some kind of double tier thing going on (we need a shelf! or a drawer!) and it needs to look cool while being not Ikea made. I need a coffee table!

Do you have any suggestions? We have a modest budget, but expensive taste! Anything you have to offer up would be super helpful. Reference me some links people!

{image cred: listed under their respective images via Etsy}

Punctuate away!


Friday, August 27, 2010

This is a Hardware Store?

So this is a little surprising. Yesterday at work we had a baby shower for my boss' boss. Yup, its that confusing here in the corporate world. But back to the point. This pregnant lady has expensive taste, which is no surprise considering we bought her a $90 picture frame. Go figure. But, throughout all the pregnant lady conversation (ack!) she brought up this place called Restoration Hardware. All I can say is, "Wow." This website is amazing and their products, can you say gorgeous. I don't think I will ever look at Pottery Barn again. Ever.

So lets get to the lovelies. Get ready, the styling of these products will blow your mind.

An easel for the TV. Are you serious?!? Swoon.

May I please have those light fixtures. And don't even get me started on that wine display!

Love the typography art. I wish I had a drawing room.

I'm speechless over these chairs.

The beds! The trunks! The sophistication!

Aviation chairs! What I would do for one of these.

Note to the Hubs: trunks as coffee tables are awesome. I want mine back.

How beautiful is this bed? So luxurious.

Warehouse table? Industrial shelving? Yes, please! But it still looks cozy.

I have fallen in love with this desk. And the chair, too perfect.

The lamp. Look at the lamp.

This is how His and Hers is meant to be. Note the cabinets!

That light fixture! Sinks on different walls? What you can do with an unlimited budget.

If I could only have one piece of furniture for the rest of forever, it would be this chair.

Amazing. I am seriously infatuated with this place. The nearest one is three hours away, not that I could afford anything in this store. But it would be nice to take pictures and just sit on things for a while. It would make me feel sophisticated and expensive even if it only lasts an hour.

This website is going to be checked often from now on! I can't get enough of it. I am truly envious of their styling team. They are amazing and extremely talented.

I'm in love.

Punctuate away,


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Simple and Lovely

Thank you Black*Eiffel! You posted the most swoon worthy clothing today. It simply blew my mind. In fact I loved it so much I had to add it to my collection of lovelies on my own blog. I couldn't resist.

How effortless are these styles from Jigsaw London? They are just beautiful, the kind of dresses I would feel super sexy in without having to fix my hair. Most importantly, they are the kind of dresses you wear they wouldn't wear you. Effortless style, every girls dream.

Love them! I think I might have to order that white dress, now if I could only find an extra $110. That would be helpful. And the necklace, yes please! I highly recommend checking out their site. It is very well designed, way to focus on the typography! Love it!

Please visit Black*Eiffel for the original post! They have different styles pictured and it is always great to reference the original idea! Got to keep up with blogging etiquette, it makes our blogging world go round!

{image cred: Jigsaw London via Black*Eiffel}

Punctuate away,


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not Your Ordinary Penguin

I would absolutely adore having this collection of Penguin classics. I think I would have to designate an entire shelf to their presence. Better yet, they could be a decorative element in my living room. Surprisingly, I have never had the opportunity to read some of these. It would make a great ongoing collection, but at $20 a piece that might take a while. They are simply timeless.

{image cred: Penguin}

Punctuate away,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Contemporary Currency

I am truly undecided. I thoroughly enjoy the concept and the design. I am just not sold on the imagery or the logic behind it. And Obama, this is a design blog not a political blog, but I will say I am not an avid supporter. I believe he needs to be something bigger than his image to replace Mr. Washington. Now the FDR $100 that concept I can get on board with.

To fully explain the imagery and the meaning behind it, please reference Co.Design and Dollar ReDe$ign Project for the original posts and opinions. You will find more images of the project at those destinations as well.

But lets focus on the design. Vertical? Yes, please! This makes sense and a whole lot of it. We do transactions vertically. We count it vertically, we put it into vending machines vertically, we hand it to one another vertically. This is smart. I also enjoy the different heights. As many articles have stated, it not only helps to see how much money you have when stacked, but this significantly helps the blind. That, is brilliant. I am slightly concerned with the white space. I love white space, I read a whole book on it once, but is it really effective when it comes to currency?

What are your thoughts?

{image cred: Dollar ReDe$ign Project and Dowling Duncan for the original idea}

Punctuate away,


Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again When I Can Snuggle

Well, here in central VA it happens to be raining. And, it isn't just raining it's cooling down (to a lovely 70 degrees!). It really recharges the senses and sets in the fact that kids just started school again, fall will shortly be upon us. That's what I always hated about my birthday when I was a kid, it was always the weekend before school started. Such a bummer. But on days like today I really wish I wasn't sitting in my depressing office. I wish I was at home with my Woodycat enjoying the following simple pleasures.

I want to be lounging in this Ikea chaise

with this Pottery Barn faux sheepskin throw

wearing this comfy cardigan from American Eagle

reading my most favorite books in the entire world

listening to this amazing album

drinking some warm Tazo chai tea with honey

all with this overly large cat on my lap

That would be my idea of a perfect day today. It really is coming down outside. It makes me want to be home and not bound to my desk until 8pm this evening (yup just got the word overtime is necessary the rest of the week). Man do I just adore being a big kid in the real world. My one piece of advice: never leave college, stay there as long as humanly possible!

But, for now I will sit here and think about my fantasy day at home.

What is your favorite thing to do when it rains? Get cozy, or go outside and mudslide?!?

{image cred: respective links below photos, photo of Woody courtesy of my iPhone}

Punctuate away,


Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Hero

No joke. I think I found my new hero (not that I had an old one?). But really, I aspire to be this guy. If you could take on any design challenge in the whole wide world what would it be? I would have to think on this one a bit, but this guy picked the United States Postal Service. What! That's craziness! One of the most iconic businesses in our entire country. (Oops, hey there international readers! Keep reading, it's still great design!)

Matt Chase, the genius behind this re-design has insane skills. I could only hope to be as creative as this guy.

I mean really, I didn't even take on a project half that size for my own thesis work. This really is impressive. He thought this through big time. Man, I would love to pick his brain. He even did uniforms! I remember the time they did that on Project Runway (I can't find a link!). Wow, he nailed it.

I really wonder what it would be like to take on a project of that caliber. Truly impressive.

If you find out any more info on this guy, or this redesign please drop me a line!

{image cred: Matt Chase via Behance Network (also seen on the SCOOP and designworklife) }

Punctuate away,


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